A Really Short History of Nearly Everything

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A Really Short History of Nearly Everything

A Really Short History of Nearly Everything

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" seemed perfect, but when I started reading that, it soon turned out it wasn't quite simple enough for my poor little brain. In the article concerning global warming, Bryson paints a picture that we really don't know if the Earth is warming up and if so, what is causing it. We generally read this book once or twice a week just before their bedtime to keep their awesome, developing minds focused on the wonders found in the world of science and discovery.

P132 “Despite Linnaeus’s admirable work, we don’t have the faintest idea of the number of things that live on our planet. More thinking, more learning, more questions – luckily there are plenty of answers as well, useful reminders, and even lessons to learn. Started reading this one with "the lads" after finishing "The Littlest Prince" in late August of last year.

P62 ‘Radioactivity is so harmful and long-lasting that even now Marie Curie’s papers are too dangerous to handle. When I first read it at the age of 8, my love for science was ignited in a way that set my life on a fantastic course.

Every atom you possess has almost certainly passed through several stars and been part of millions of organisms on its way to becoming you.My sense is that adults who possess passing knowledge and experience with the subject matter will benefit more than middle school readers without background. This history of life, the universe and everything in between is entertaining and Bryson is an excellent guide.

A Short History of Nearly Everything was lauded with critical acclaim, and became a huge bestseller. Inside it explains prehistoric animals, measuring Earth, the Earth’s age, supernovae, many famous scientists. Still I’m glad I read the book and it gave me some interesting facts to dish out in conversations so I can’t say it was time wasted.Time periods covering billions of years and the size of a bacteria are difficult concepts for grown-ups too.

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